Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Top 10 Things I Hate:
1)  I hate that I have lived in NY for 6 years and have yet to see the city...despite my many attempts and requests.
2)  I hate that I picked up and moved across the country to be with the man I love, and now I hate it that I don't get to live near family.
3)  I hate it that we live here, where my husband grew up, but we never see his family.  I mean, we see his brother once every couple weeks, we see his daughter about once a year, and we see everyone else if someone dies. 
4)  I hate it that I can not grow a garden here to save my fucking life because it's too damn cold.
5)  I hate it that I don't have the screen door I've always dreamed about.
6)  I hate it that we need a new roof and I am always trying to see the positive and offer solutions, and NO ONE else is.
7)  I hate that I see the potential in everything, but no one else does, so I get shot down or ignored.
8)  I hate that I am so horrible with money.
9)  I hate that I have never had a massage.
10)I hate this list.

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