Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Yesterday I got up early, and it ended up being a pretty good day.  :)  I was in a totally productive and creative mood.  Twas good.

This morning, I woke up later, was exhausted, and ended up taking a two hour nap.  And, have only managed to produce hot chocolate.  And pasta with turkey...which was my breakfast.  (I have to eat all of the turkey now, before the new babies arrive...because I won't be able to eat turkey after I raise those precious babies.)

So, anyway, during my nap I dreamed about a girl I met online a few months ago.  I've never met her in person.  She lives far far away.  I think I talk about her a lot to Magnum, oddly enough.  Anyway, I dreamed about her.  And, it was such a content cozy dream.  I woke up all cozy and snuggly. 

Now I'm having girl withdrawals.  I think this is the longest I've gone in a long time without having a girlfriend.  It's been over a year.  But, to be perfectly honest, it's not so much of a sexual's more of a cozy thing.  A snuggly thing.  :)  A soft squishy thing.

And, it would be nice to have a snuggle right now...since it's only 8 degrees above JUNE.  Grrr.

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