Thursday, June 17, 2010


A while back I mentioned I changed doctors.  The sunshine doctor just wasn't working out for me so much.  So, I called another local doctor's office that a friend recommended.  They were sweet.  I filled out all of the paper work, mailed it in to them well over a month ago.  They got the records from sunshine, and even called me to tell me they had everything and that I could make an appointment whenever needed.

Last week I called and made an appointment.  Yesterday Magnum came home 2 hours early so I could go to my appointment.  I get there, and the woman says they don't take my insurance?

I was calm and friendly and I left. 

But I really wanted to strangle her over hairsprayed head right off of her perky shoulders. 

I'm sure when I filled out the paper work I filled in the insurance info.  Not to even mention, wouldn't that be somewhere in my records from sunshine?

I just think that some time before my appointment, someone could/should/would have realized the insurance issue?

So I'm doctorless again. 

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