Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Signs.  We all know I believe in them.  So here's the thing.  I have a friend who I've nicknamed Fenton.  In the past week I've seen a bajillion Fenton references.  Today, it was a random email from a man named Fenton.  Then, I've been researching antiques and one of the glass companies is called Fenton.  And in the article about Fenton glass was a link that said "dating Fenton".  And, just now, and what prompted my writing of this blog, I was reading a story that I just happened to click on and the person's last name was Fenton.  WTF?  Just synchronicity?  Or something more?  Hmmmm???  Fine, I'm waiting for one more sign before I take any action.  Srsly.


Jim G. said...

Funny I live in Fenton.... lol

Rumor said...

Why aren't you a follower, Mr. G?