Sunday, April 19, 2009


It's a threefor.


So, today I saw Skye. Damn she feels good. We just meld.

Then, I met a new girl. I'll call her Pawn. So, Pawn and I met...we had lunch. She was so nervous. Which is why I think people should never stop at a first date. I think everyone should have a second date. So we'll see. She was nice. She didn't knock me off my feet, tho. And, the whole time I was talking to her, I was thinking, Magnum is gonna love her. :)

And then, for just a moment, I saw Joy. I stopped by her house, unexpectantly, to drop off a tomato plant. I'm not sure if she was pissy about it or not. Or if she thinks I'm a weirdo. But, I really don't have room for it anymore, and I told her I was gonna give it to her. I replanted it in a pretty pot and everything for her. And, Magnum and I went for icecream, and after icecream I dropped off the plant. I just knocked on the door, and handed it to her. I want to snuggle her. I'm anxious. I want to smell her neck. I want to give her chills. Whether she'll ever give me that opportunity, I dunno. But a girl can dream. :)

So if we are really doing 50 dates, I would count today as my first. 49 to go. I don't count my first meeting with Joy as a date, so hopefully she'll be in the mix somewhere.

I am still tired. I've been so tired lately. Ugh. I have no idea why?

Today's poem prompt is to write an angry poem. I could have done angry yesterday, or the day before that. Today is all happy sunshine and I'm supposed to write an angry poem? Psshhhhaaa.

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