Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, I chatted with...wait...I have to think of a'll come to me...wait for it...wait for, I'm having a hard time with this one...Ogre. How's that? So anyway...I've been chatting with Ogre...and he's explained some poly stuff that fascinates me. Kinda cool really.

Ogre is Joy's husband. He's very nice...and he doesn't...make me uncomfortable the way most men chatters do. Which is nice.

In other news...yeah who am I kidding...there is no other news. :)

Some days I just have serious trouble with focusing. Today would be that day! Eeeekkkk.

We are on the cusp of spring...and it's buggin' me to pieces to just be on the cusp. Either be warm or be cold...quit teasing us already!

Oh, and I'm gonna go look up SCA now.

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