Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I expect respect.

I'm going to rant now...ready?

Magnum expects me to rant...but I'm not ranting because of the situation, I'm ranting because of issues which arise from the situation.

Examples. If you want to text until after midnight...do it from downstairs don't sit up every two seconds and send texts when I'm trying to sleep. Should I have to even say this??

Also, if you are out, I should always be able to get a hold of you. Even if you don't want to answer the phone, there should be some way in which I can contact you at all times. Because if there's an emergency, I need to know I can reach you. Is there an emergency? No, not for me personally. But work related things can be emergencies and they may need to be addressed.

I guess we should have established some rules ahead of time. But this being our first...I guess we'll do better next time.

And, each time I try to call and get ignored it pisses me off. :)

This is why we have issues with situations such as this. I am always reachable. No matter what I'm doing or where I'm at...you can get to me.

I expect certain courtesy's.

The good news is, I like Pawn for him. As long as he doesn't blow off his responsiblity for her. Ya know?

Or wake me up at midnight. :)

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