Monday, April 27, 2009


So, Magnum & Pawn seem to be going pretty hot and heavy. Talk about fast! Girls are so funny. Last night she was like "well, I don't know what's allowed" in reference to her being into Magnum. But, as soon as we cleared that up...Magnum said she was a girl who just got a green light and put her pedal to the metal...or something like that. What I think is kinda cool, is that when she and I first "met" online, she restricted herself to not dating anyone over 35. Ha. Yeah, she's 25 (I think??) and Magnum is 52. Ha. That's awesome!

So, I'm sure there are those that are going to say "are you ok with this, really?" And, oddly enough, I am??? I think it has something to do with some enlightening chats I've had with Joy & Ogre?

Ok, I need to make a list. Grocery lists excite me. :) Whipped cream, hot fudge, cucumbers. Hahahahaha.

1 comment:

Gee said...

At one time I thought I could share...but then I realized I'm really a frickin' jealous lover ;0)