Thursday, May 20, 2010


Seriously with this irritatedness?  Seriously?  Geez. 

In other news, I've discovered a ton of old post cards dated from 1907-1910 that are probably worth about $5 each...and we probably have like 100 or so. :)

 I also discovered old books that might be worth...$25 or so a piece.  It's kinda fun looking at this old stuff and trying to figure out what it is and when it was made.

I also found a gift I'm gonna buy for Two.  Yeah, I know...shut up.  It's not for her really, it's for her baby that's due in November.  It's this.

I tried to do two projects today...which have both been fails.  One was to wash our big dog.  As soon as I squirted him with the hose, he busted out of the collar and was gone.  I was like...ok, nevermind then.  Then, the threshold to our front door has been loose for the past 3 years and I finally got tired of it today...and decided...harharhar...I can nail that fucker down if no one else will.  Yeah, the nail got about a quarter of the way in and refused to go any further...and then, it bent.  So now we have this huge nail stickout of the threshold.  I pulled the whole threshold board out so no one would get hurt, and then, of course, the space between the screen door and the porch was wide enough for the cat to I had to chase the cat down.

Maybe I'll just stick to postcard research and gift buying.

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