Saturday, May 8, 2010


I'm surprised I haven't mentioned this yet...but I'll mention it now...

I took a pistol permit safety course.  Magnum went with me, although he wasn't an official student...he was just there for a refresher.  I learned a lot.  I also learned that I would do naughty things with one of the instructors.

:)  When the class first started this really old guy came to the front and started the class.  He talked for a while, and then he introduced the other instructor.  Now, just looking at the guy, he's alright.  But, as soon as he started talking...I was hooked.  He has a bit of a speech thing...not a lisp really...just something.  And, he's mischeivious.  He's just got this cocky little smirk on his face all of the time.  I loved it.  And, I thought he was funny as fuck.  He had that dry sense of humor that I love.  It's the stuff no one else laughs at.  On the second day of class, he made some silly comment  (FUCK, I guess I'm sitting here smiling about this blog and this instructor because Magnum just looked over and said, I'd like to know who can make you smile like that) about the people arriving to class in twos...he said "they come in pairs" or something.  Fuck, it was just the way he said it, made me giggle right out loud.  Magnum says "really, you're already giggling at him this morning?"  Ha.

He's a federal fire arms dealer (which is fucking hot) and I find myself fantasizing about going to his house to talk to him about guns...and well...we end up playing with his little pistol.   (I just laughed outloud at that and the whole room looked at me.) 

So, I'm all safely instructed now.  I wonder tho, where o where will I go to get my pistol?

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