Thursday, May 13, 2010


When I first met Two, she told horror stories about her husband.  She'd say he beat her, or hit her or whatever.  So, it made me feel sorry for her.  It made me feel like I wanted to protect her and keep her safe.  When she lied to her husband, or cheated on her husband, I felt like that was ok, because he was a piece of shit anyway.

Then I met him.  I've never met a less abusive man in my life.  She painted a picture of this monster...and he wasn't at all.   

So, the point is...I keep writing these bitchy blogs, complaining about Magnum...whining about how unhappy I am...blah blah blah.  I just want readers to realize that this is MY blog.  A one sided story to a two sided life.  I'm sure, if Magnum were to tell his side of the story...I'd be the bad guy.  Or maybe not?  The point is...just because I whine about shit ALL of the time...doesn't mean I'm "right".  Does that make sense?

We've been living together, and spending most of our free time together, for 6 years now.  It's like chocolate cake.  I love it.  Love love love it.  But dude, if I had to eat it for 6 would make me ill.  :)  Doesn't mean it isn't still yummy just means that it's not my favorite at the moment.  

Would life be easier if I were to move out into the world on my own?  Fuck Yes.  Without question.  I could sleep when wanted to, eat when I wanted to, leave my shoes in the middle of the dining room floor if I wanted to...go where I wanted to when I wanted get the idea.  There would be no grouchy Mr. Magnum...but there also wouldn't be any Mr. Sweet Magnum.  And although Grouchy seems to be the dominate personality these days...when Sweet shows his's just so...pretty.  :)

The grass is always greener on the other side...especially when the other side happens to be Illinois where they actually get to have summer in May!  :) 

And in a week or a month...or hell maybe even tomorrow I'll be back here writing about what an ass he's being.

But the point are only hearing one side of the story...and to be fair...I'm sure it's not the best side.

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