Monday, May 3, 2010


Who says?  Who made up these life rules?  Why do we sleep at night?  Why do we eat lunch a noon?  What if I'm not hungry at noon?  What if I want pizza at 7am?  Who made the rules?  Who says that 11pm is a respectable time to go to bed? 

What if my body, mind, and spirit don't wanna follow these rules?  (Hand on hip, foot stomp, chin jutted forward.)

I mean really...if we were all allowed and encouraged to form our own life rules...wouldn't the world be a better place?  Our whole lives revolve around a clock and a calendar that was created how long ago?  By whom?

We are evolving.  So, doesn't it make sense that our lives and our rules should also evolve?

For my entire life, I've been sleepy.  What if...what if...I'm not made to be awake during the morning hours?  What if I'm made to wake up at 10?  Breakfast at 11.  Lunch at 2.  Dinner whenever I'm hungry. 

We all follow this routine.  (Wait...I wrote a poem about routines's one of my favorites.  I'm gonna go find it.)

What if my happy happens when I'm sleeping because I'm really supposed to be awake?

1 comment:

Rumor said...

I swallow my routine,
Like an old crusty bagel,
Choking down the chewy mediocrity,
With bitter black life.