Monday, May 24, 2010


The crabby monster has bitten me hard this afternoon.  Oy.  I think I'm at the end of the PMS cycle...I'm over patience is about this - big and nothing I eat seems to be able to satisfy me. 


Aside from that...I'm good.  :)

Everything I see these days I wonder "what can I make that into?"  There's this rectangular piece of concrete on the porch and I'm looking at it like...hmmmm that could be painted to look like a domino...or a window...or a piece of toast.  Or I could paint it with chalkboard paint...or make a sponge bob stepping stone.  We explored a lil bit yesterday and I saw so much potential.  Magnum just looks at me like WTF?  He doesn't understand the current trend of reusing and repurposing stuff.  I asked him if there was anything in the attic of the garage and he told me..."eh just some old window frames".  What???  I want I want...where's the ladder?

I keep telling him I need a break, but he's just not getting it.  I want him to come home, hand me the keys and the credit card and tell me he doesn't want to see me for the whole weekend.  :)  Or, I want him to take JDRW for a whole day so I have the whole house & yard to myself.  If you've ever tried to complete a project with people around, you know it's a pain.  Especially when you think those people should offer to help but don't.  So they're just sitting around, in the way.  OR, they wait until the moment you start to clean the kitchen...and then they have to have a sandwich...or you're cleaning the bathroom and they just have to pee. 

I want to be "outtolunch" for a few days dammit.

Like, I said, I've been bitten.

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