Saturday, May 2, 2009


So, I've decided that the summer will offer enough challenges without adding a writing challenge to it. Even though I should write something creative every day, I'm not gonna commit to anything.

Also, I saw Joy a lot this week, for business matters. And, I gotta tell ya, she's not what I would call cute. She's what I would call beautiful. I don't know what (or if) anything will ever come of of our "relationship", but I'm glad to have met her. A friend of mine once gave me a quote. :) She said something to me, and I've used it ever since. And it has helped me in a lot of ways. That quote is "Let it be what it is." And, now, Joy has also given me a quote that I have been using lately...and it ranks right up there with Let it be what it is. It's the "I try to own it" phrase. Really. It's amazing how much that little phrase helps me to get a handle on my feelings about different things. So simple, right?

And, in other news...........I hate to admit..........but..........Pawn is.......not what I thought she'd be at all. Damn. Damn Damn Dammit. She is as far from "eh" as a girl can get. She and Magnum and I, hung out last night. At first I was a little awkward because they already had a kind of relationship. So, I think I was sort of on the protective defensive side? Not defensive towards her, but I was being cautious. I was afraid that maybe I would feel...left out? Like, she and Magnum would have this connection, and I would be sitting there like a potato, being bored and moody.

Yeah, except, she's not like that. She doesn't do anything to make me uncomfortable. She doesn't make little comments or do little things that would make me uncomfortable, like she could if she were that type of girl. And, she doesn't let me bully her. And I LIKE that. A lot.

She is the opposite of what I thought she would be. We had so much fun. We laughed all night. But it never felt like it was Me & Her or Me & Magnum or Her & Magnum. It always felt like it was the 3 of us together, with no one being left out. And no one being moody. :) She's just a fun girl. I felt comfortable with her. Not in a comfortable cozy way, so much (mostly because we laughed and laughed and it never got to that point), but in a "let myself be me" sorta way. It is Rare that anyone see me in that "light" so early. :)

And, she got her kiss after much resistance from me. It wasn't what I would call a moment but it was nice. The girl can kiss, I'll give 'er that. And, although I say it wasn't what I wouuld call a moment, it was pretty awesome. Because once we started kissing...we kept going back to it...again and again and again. Then as we learned the in and outs (hehe) of each other, it just kept getting better. And, I can not wait, to see her again. :) I guess I have Magnum to thank, because I don't think I would have ever seen what I saw, if it weren't for him. So kudos to Magnum!

And, I'm tired and I'm typing in bed and my arms are maybe more later.

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